Ten Tips On Helping Kids Meditate On And Memorise Scripture
1. Purchase a family devotions book that focuses in on one verse and helpfully unpacks it for children (e.g. ‘Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing‘, by Sally Lloyd-Jones, ‘Short Steps For Long Gains Family Edition’, by Simon Manchester).
2. Purchase an – ‘International Children’s Bible’ to read for family devotions. Read a section of scripture and look for one verse that stands on it’s own (i.e. is able to be understood when separated from the surrounding verses). Encourage each family member to try and put that verse into his or her own words.
3. Try to arrange a verse as a family so that it’s memorable. Add hand actions, a beat, stamps, claps, melody… or, sing the verse to a familiar nursery rhyme or tune. Revise the verse together regularly.
4. Ask each member of the family to cartoon or draw a series of pictures illustrating a verse. Encourage each family member to share their cartoons/illustrations and what the verse means.
5. Take out an ‘Audio Kidswise Membership’ (Kidswise) and download memory verses to learn as a family. Learn verses as you travel in the car (e.g. to and from school).
6. Purchase the app ‘Fighter Verses’. Select verses listed on this app to discuss and learn as a family. Each verse on Fighter Verses is categorised under a topic and has both an audio track and a musical arrangement. The app has Quiz Games and enables you to keep a record as a family of which verses you’ve learnt.
7. Think of people you could share your family memory verse with (e.g. missionary family, friends, church family member…). Either post, text, skype or e-mail the verse to encourage others.
8. Play a circle game where a memory verse is said, one word at time, by each member of the family. See how fast you can say the verse as a family.
9. Display your memory verse on your fridge or in a visible place where everyone in the family is reminded of it daily.
10. Find out what memory verses your child is learning at Children’s Church, Kids Club, Scripture…(what ever group your child attends). Ask your child to teach the memory verse they’ve been learning to the whole family.
Written by Sandy Galea © Kidswise. (Sandy is the Children’s Minister at MBM Rooty Hill Anglican Church) and posted here with our thanks!
Recommended Resources:
* Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing, by Sally Lloyd-Jones
* Short Steps For Long Gains Family Edition, by S Manchester
* International Children’s Bible (reading age of seven up)
* Kidswise Audio Membership
* Colin Buchanan
* The Rizers
* Fighter Verses – a helpful app to learn and meditate on verses of scripture